• Get out of bed "Wake-Up Call"

    Are you a morning person?


    Do you need a workout "wake up call"? Join this class to give you a morning energy boost that will get you through your day. This "wake up call" will energize both your body and mind.


    • Aamer

    Days & Time

    • Tuesday
      7:00 AM
    • Friday
      7:00 AM

    Aamer Ghory

    Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great.

  • Kick Your Stress Away

    Kick your "stress" into positive energy


    Learning skills and techniques with contacting hand pads and punching bags will definitely decrease tension and release endorphins (the "happy hormone")


    • Jesse

    Days & Time

    • Thursday
      12:00 PM
    • Thursday
      1:00 PM

    Jesse Sandiford

    One of the greatest moments in life is realizing that two weeks ago your body couldn't do what it just did.

  • Power Spinout

    Do you love spinning as much as you like to train?


    This class is perfect for you. Combining both spinning and resistance training in circuits, you'll get a full body workout that will leave you sweating and wanting more!


    • Maida
    • Safa

    Days & Time

    • Monday
      12:00 PM
    • Monday
      6:00 PM

    Maida Comic

    Even if you can't physically see the results in front of you, every single effort is changing your body from the inside.

  • Upper Body Muscle Pump

    Want to pump up your body for the summer?


    This dynamic group training class focuses on utilizing the muscles of the upper body designed to pump you up and get into shape! The class consists of using a combination of free weights, body weight exercises, exercise balls, resistance bands, speed drills which will challenge you and bring your physique to another level.
    Every class is led by a motivating instructor who will demonstrate the safe execution of each exercise and cue students on their form and technique. Normally, the class will conclude with a combination of stretching and core conditioning.


    • Konga
    • Aamer

    Days & Time

    • Sunday
      1:00 PM
    • Tuesday
      12:00 PM

    Konga Fahim

    Just go. Getting out the door is always the hardest part.

    Konga has 7 years of experience as a certified body-building trainer in Cairo, and as a private trainer.

  • Lower Body Muscle Pump

    Want to pump up your body for the summer?


    This dynamic group training class focuses on utilizing the muscles of the lower body designed to pump you up and get into shape!
    Every class is led by a motivating instructor who will demonstrate the safe execution of each exercise and cue students on their form and technique. Normally, the class will conclude with a combination of stretching and core conditioning.


    • Safa
    • Konga

    Days & Time

    • Monday
      7:30 PM
    • Wednesday
      6:00 PM

    Safa Karimi

    Just go. Getting out the door is always the hardest part.

    Safa believes that noting is impossible anyone can attain their goals with the proper dedication, motivation and guidance.

  • Kettlebell

    Learn the basics of how to perform specialized movements with this athletic tool.


    Improve mobility, range of motion, and overall body strength with these advanced techniques. With the addition of battle ropes, this class will help to increase upper body muscular endurance.


    • Adam

    Days & Time

    • Sunday
      2:00 PM
    • Wednesday
      8:30 PM

    Adam Trabulsi

    I don't FIND the time to exercise. I MAKE the time to exercise.

  • Fit Fundamentals

    Are you a beginner? Are you starting to get back into the gym?


    This class is for you! Learn the basic fundamentals of fitness and proper form and technique of basic movements that are the basis for more challenging and movements and exercises.


    • Safa

    Days & Time

    • Tuesday
      6:00 PM
    • Wednesday
      9:00 AM

    Safa Karimi

    I don't FIND the time to exercise. I MAKE the time to exercise.

  • Beginner Muay Thai


    This class is where you start if you have not had any previous training in Muay Thai. Here you will learn fundamentals including proper stance, footwork, basic punches, kicks, the rear straight knee, and basic elbow techniques. Techniques are practiced with various partner and solo drills. Students are given an introduction on the proper use of Thai pads, focus mitts and belly pad. Students will use these training tools in class, with a partner, and begin to put together basic techniques. Your level of fitness, both cardiovascular and muscle strength will improve with consistent training and prepare you for the next class level. Class time is usually one-hour in length and classes are led by H-expert and top ranked kickboxer Konga Fahim.


    • Konga

    Days & Time

    • Monday
      12:00 PM
    • Friday
      12:00 PM

    Konga Fahim

    Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent

  • Kids Muay Thai


    This class will teach children the foundations and fundamentals of Muay Thai. Students will be introduced to Jot Muay (Muay Thai Stance), Yaang Saam Khum (Muay Thai Shuffle), Basic Thai culture and etiquette, basic clinch technique, distancing, and each of the 8 weapons of Muay Thai (punches, elbows, kicks, knees). Students will be introduced to basic defense and will learn how to put together 2 hit combinations incorporating each of the 8 weapons. This program was specially designed to suit the learning and development needs of children aged 7-12. In addition to Muay Thai, students will learn and develop the skills of focus, cooperation, control, balance, memory, discipline, fitness, and coordination. These 8 skills are vital in order to ensure success in Martial Arts, school, and other sporting activities. Through constant exposure to these skills, we create an environment which will ensure successful development for your children. Class time is usually 1 hour and classes are lead by H-expert and top ranked kickboxer Konga Fahim.


    • Konga

    Days & Time

    • Monday
      12:00 PM
    • Friday
      12:00 PM

    Konga Fahim

    Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent

  • Dynamic & Static Stretching

    Learn the secrets


    To increased elasticity, flexibility, mobility, performance enhancement, injury prevention, and pain relief!


    • Jesse

    Days & Time

    • Tuesday
      1:00 PM
    • Friday
      7:00 PM

    Jesse Sandiford

    Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent

  • Core & Stretch

    Are you a beginner? Are you starting to get back into the gym?


    To improve posture, decrease tension, injury prevention, and improve sports performance.


    • Maida

    Days & Time

    • Saturday
      4:00 PM

    Maida Comic

    Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent